viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

Old Mother Hubbard

Las Nursery Rhymes se han oído desde hace siglos en las escuelas y hogares británicos. Hoy os presentamos una de nuestras rimas favoritas, publicada por primera vez en 1805, con la que los niños podrán aprender nuevo vocabulario y, sobre todo, aumentar sus destrezas a la hora de escuchar y articular el inglés, además de entrar a formar parte de una larga y bella tradición. 

Tranquilos, de momento no se trata de aprenderse la rima de memoria, sino de poner a punto el cerebro y los órganos de fonación antes de meternos con el libro de texto Footprints y el vocabulario y las funciones comunicativas que podemos aprender a través de él. 

Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To give her poor dog a bone.
But when she got there
The cupboard was bare,
And so the poor doggy had none.

She went to the Baker's
To buy him some bread
But when she came back
The Dog wasn’t dead.

She took a clean dish
To get him some tripe
But when she came back
He was smoking a pipe.

She went to the Alehouse
To get him some beer
But when she came back
The Dog sat in a chair.

She went to the Tavern
For white wine and red
But when she came back
The Dog stood on his head.

She went to the Fruiterer's 
To buy him some fruit
But when she came back 
He was playing the flute.

She went to the Taylor's 
To buy him a coat
But when she came back 
He was riding a goat.

She went to the Hatter's
To buy him a hat
But when she came back
He was feeding her cat.

She went to the Barber’s 
To buy him a wig
But when she came back
He was dancing a jig.

She went to the Cobbler's 
To buy him some shoes
But when she came back 
He was reading the news.

She went to the Sempstress’ 
To buy him some linen
But when she came back 
The Dog was spinning.

She went to the Hosier's
To buy him some hose
But when she came back 
He was dressed in his clothes.

The Dame made a courtesy 
The Dog made a bow
The Dame said your servant 
The Dog said bow-wow.

Como este curso somos nuevos en 3º, no hemos tenido oportunidad de pedir libros de lectura, pero quizá algunos padres queráis enriquecer la biblioteca de inglés de vuestros hijos con la adquisición de este libro que vamos a leer en clase y que recrea esta antigua rima. 

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